You can see the benefits in a comparative table here. Over the years, as well as since the beginning of the pandemic, QAD has demonstrated its relevance and necessity to guide and represent our community to various health groups, organizations as well as to the media. It is our primary mandate to represent doulas and to ensure that they can pursue their activities with respect and value of their work. We have done this, among other things, through representation with the Ministry of Health and professional orders, in partnership and consultation with organizations advocating for the rights of people giving birth, by sending professional travel authorizations so that our doulas can practice their profession and circulate during the curfew, etc. As we are not a granting body, your support is essential to the continuation of our activities.
Being a member of QAD means:
- Promoting and representing the profession to health care professionals
- Continuing education
- An advertising window by creating a profile on our site
- Having more credibility with clients and health professionals
- Participating in the life of QAD also means being part of its history!